Annual Thankoffering Sunday


Sunday - 9AM Worship Service | 10AM Fellowship Hour

 November 24, 2024

 9:00 AM

 1057 State Road 78 Mt. Horeb, WI 53597

Join us for our annual Thankoffering Sunday, a day dedicated to gratitude and giving back. After our service, we invite you to stay for a special luncheon, offering a time of fellowship and gratitude. This is also a perfect opportunity to browse and purchase any remaining items from our annual bazaar, where you'll find a variety of unique gifts and treasures. Throughout the month of November, we'll be collecting donations for the Pecatonica Area Food Pantry, focusing our efforts on supporting those in need within our community. Thankoffering Sunday is not just a tradition; it's a meaningful way to express our thanks through acts of generosity and care. We look forward to sharing this special day with you and coming together to make a difference.