Perry Lutheran Foundation


Sunday - 9AM Worship Service | 10AM Fellowship Hour

perry lutheran foundation

The Perry Lutheran Foundation, established in 1966, oversees the church’s endowment, which has been funded with bequests from generous donors upon their death.  Bequests are pooled together in an investment program to provide long-term support of the church.  The principal remains intact, so it can continue to grow and provide annual income to be used for special projects at Perry Lutheran Church.  Earnings are designated for Mission Outreach and Building/Property needs.  The Foundation also manages a college scholarship fund, as well as a seminary scholarship fund, both available to members of Perry Lutheran Church.

Current officers include:

Gary Langfoss, Chairperson

Pauline Hittesdorf, Secretary/Treasurer

Jean Sherven

Al Antonson

Carol Antonson.

If you are interested in leaving a bequest to the Perry Lutheran Foundation, please contact us through the church office, (608) 437-5294.